A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) shortener is a short website name which is used to reduce the length of your URL link The purpose of this reducing the size of the web page address into something which is easy
to remember and can be tracked easily. You can find number of URL shorteners on search engines today, including some popular brands like Bit.ly, Goog.le and Tinyurl.com. The URL shortener which is being used is any
activity will suppose to maintain the connection link between the new short link and the original URL. This means who ever clicks the short new link will automatically be redirected to the original landing page.
Reason of invention of URL shortener tool
When social media emerged to be a vast platform for marketing, lengthy long URLs started to become a challenge. Originally, Twitter messages has limits to a maximum of 140 characters, with all combination and
counting each character of a link, resulting a challenge to a lengthy URL which is taking up your entire tweet. Thus, URL shortener emerged as a great solution to this type of character limitation problem.
The Origination of URL shorteners
Content has proved to be a critical event to any of the marketing strategy. For promoting, and to share any content, this has to be done using right URLs. A URL shortener always ensures that the message or the
content you are sending to look great to your audience without consuming too much of space in your social media posts. However, it’s really important to make it sure that the short links you are using for your branding
or redirection should not harm your reputation. Although URL shortener tools are very useful, as they hide the original content of your url destination link, making customers more suspicious.
How do you find best URL shorteners?
One can search for plenty of URL shortener tools available today. Some popular sites, even handle data and analytics to url shorteners and also track the links in various transformations and others simply convert
the lengthy url to reduce the link size. Its simple to choose the URL shortener you fix to use to shorten your url, simply enter your longtail URL into the content box and click the button to create shortener.